1, What are you most proud of about yourself?
That I have recovered from semi-paralysis due to a lack of oxygen to the brain after a cardiac arrest. And that after that I started my business and have never given up.
2, What qualities are you inspired by in others?
The ability to speak and get people to listen, positivity despite knowing that the person has not had it easy, drive and commitment, seeing others and seeing opportunities to help others.
3, Who inspires you? Why?
Terri Savelle foy, Dean Graziosi, my boyfriend, my mother, John Maxwell, my grandmother, Tony Robins, Andreas Nielsen, the list could go on and on but I'll stop there.
4, What is everyday luxury for you?
A good, quiet breakfast, exercise, good food, a long shower, spending time with your family, scented candles, laughing until your stomach hurts, a home spa with a face mask, shaving your legs, using silver shampoo and painting your nails.
5, What is your best tip for getting through the day? Do you have a really good life hack?
Get up an hour earlier to get a quiet start with breakfast and coffee. Read a book that gives you something, perhaps new inspiration for the day. Set your phone to 20 minutes and force yourself to read until the alarm rings, it's a good start before everything else starts.
6, What is your best/most important garment in your everyday life?
Nice jeans and a pair of boots/heels. I'm not a big fan of sneakers....And of course jewelry, it can make an entire outfit.
7, What is your favorite Norrsken jacket?
Definitely Visby Sandshell, LOVE IT!
Fact box:
Name: Elsa Lundin
Family: boyfriend Timmy, mother, father and three brothers.
Occupation: Self-employed, working with my brand By Elsa, Silver Jewelry.
Life motto: "Remember to always leave a little sparkle wherever you go".