1, What are you most proud of about yourself?
That I dare to go my own way and follow my heart.
2, What qualities are you inspired by in others?
People who do not judge. I am inspired by people who are confident and do not doubt themselves. I am inspired by people who encourage, support and lift others. I am inspired by people who see and are present in meetings with others.
I believe that we all need to be closer to ourselves and understand the meaning of being closest to ourselves in order to meet others with love and respect.
3, Who inspires you? Why?
My 'guide' - she gives me strength and power. She sees me for who I am and helps me become the best version of myself. She is a strong, honest woman who sees the good before the bad. She is confident, self-esteem and full of love. She helps me to dare to be myself and she gives me so much positive energy.
When one person can bring out the best in a person and inspire so much good, it inspires me to do the same for others. Giving and taking, being genuine and honest, lifting each other up in an honest and genuine way is the best thing you can do for someone. If everyone could do that, the world would be a much more beautiful place.
4, What is everyday luxury for you?
All these little simple things such as starting the day by lighting candles, a moment of morning yoga, meditation, buying a good coffee on the way to work, picking up my daughter early from preschool and going for coffee, playing with my dog, etc.
The best luxury is free and unconditional, the luxury for me is to remind myself to be grateful for what I have and take care of it. It is so easy to forget about being in the "now" and just take it for granted, especially in a busy life. Being grateful and appreciating all that I have makes me very happy and calm, it gives me new energy and power. The reminder itself is what makes me happy.
5, What is your best tip for getting through the day? Do you have a really good life hack?
Being organized and having a structure/planning. Not stressing and instead getting everyday life in balance and harmony. To create a structure and try to stick to some kind of planning to get everything in life together. For example, prioritizing yourself and giving yourself space for training/own time even when you have a full calendar. It is precisely in a full everyday life that it is needed to get that extra energy and balance.
6, What is your best/most important garment in your everyday life?
Workout clothes that work both in training and in a meeting. I would say a pair of comfortable, stylish seamless tights (can't wait until you release your new collection) and a nice sweatshirt. I also need a good warm, windproof jacket as I spend a lot of time outdoors. A pair of nice, comfortable training shoes is also important.
7, What is your favorite Norrsken garment?
I love my Skara Moss.
Fact box:
Name: Isabelle Sörälv
Family: Daughter & dog
Profession: Personal trainer, yoga teacher
Life motto: "Follow your heart, believe in yourself and never doubt your gut feeling. Life is a gift, make sure to be happy and feel good. You are your own director, dream and make your dreams come true. You have enormous power and can have anything you want, the universe is magical, you can create exactly the life you want. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with positive energy."